Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fifth Post: Classified Cat Behaviors and Levels of Work

Hello again!

There is some pretty important information you may need to know to understand following posts.

First of all, each cat is classified by a specific group that explains how the cat usually acts. There are three main groups cats can be classified in, and two sub-groups. These groups are:

G (Green): This group is for cats who are very well behaved and sociable. They won't act out aggressivly and are very friendly.
P (Purple): This group is for cats that need improvement. This group usually includes shy cats.
     -S (Skittish): The cats in this group are very skittish, so you have to be steady with them.
     -T (Temperal): These cats may act out occasionally for no apparant reason. You have to use caution
     with them.
B (Blue): The cats in this group are the worst acting cats. They are usually very aggressive cats or cats that want nothing to do with you. There was one case, however, where a B cat thought everything was a toy, including your hand. Extreme caution should be taken.

There are also levels for the volunteers. These levels explain who can work with which group of cats.

G (Green): These workers can work with only the G cats. However, you can also take out the P cats if you take caution. This is what level I am at
P (Purple): These workers can work with G or P cats. You have to work a minimum of 20 hours to be at this level. I already worked here that long, since I volunteered at the SPCA last year. So, next time I visit, I will ask about getting "promoted."
B (Blue): These workers can work with the G, P, or B cats. They are the only workers allowed to socialize the B cats.

So, these are the basic groups and levels of cats and workers!

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